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4.5 Other String Operations

In the previous sections, we saw some basic and common operations that were used to deal with strings. This included:

In this section, we'll see some other operations that can be performed on a string.

Multiplication (the * operator)

Characters of a string can be multiplied using the * operator. As such, the characters of string are repeated the number of times it was multiplied with.

string = 'abc'

print(string * 3)

It is worth noting that a new string is created on multiplication and old string remains as is.

string = 'abc'
new_string = string * 3


len() function

The built-in len() function is used to return the length of any sequence. Since string is a sequence of characters too, it can return the number of characters in the string.

string = 'Hello Python'
length = len(string)
print(f'This string has {length} characters.')
This string has 11 characters.


Keep in mind that "space" is also considered a character.