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Before we dive into the world of Python programming, let us get a brief introduction to this programming language and some of its main features.


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Python is a general purpose programming language known for its simplicity and flexibility.

Why Python?

Well, this is a good question. Why should you learn Python? What is good about it?

Simplicity: The syntax of this programming language is easy to comprehend. This is why people who are new to programming often prefer learning Python as their first programming language as it takes lesser time to learn than some other programming languages.

Flexibility: Despite its simplicity, Python is flexible and is used in a variety of applications. From simple applications to complex real world applications, Python can be used in most use cases. This is why it's called a "general purpose language". Worth mentioning that Python is the go-to language for data science and machine learning.

Large Community: Python has a large and ever-growing community of developers. With extensive support for multiple domains of application, this makes Python a worth learning language.