2.4. Mathematical Operations
In programming, we do a lot of computation. This computation more often than not involves mathematical calculations. In this section, we'll see some mathematical operations we can perform in Python.
Basic Arithmetic
Following are the operators for basic arithmetic operations:
For example:
n1 = 8
n2 = 4
# 8 + 4
print('Sum:', n1 + n2)
# 8 - 2
print('Difference:', n1 - n2)
# 8 × 2
print('Product:', n1 * n2)
# 8 ÷ 2
print('Division:', n1 / n2)
Sum: 12
Difference: 4
Product: 32
Division: 2.0
Other Operations
Other operations that are also used often are:
(Integer division)%
(Modulus i.e remainder of division)
n1 = 5
n2 = 2
# 5 raised to power 2
print('Power:', n1 ** n2)
# Integer division (//) returns the integer part of
# division result. For example, 5 / 2 results in 2.5
# but 5 // 2 returns 2.
print('Division:', n1 // n2)
# Modulus (%) returns remainder of division
print('Remainder:', n1 % n2)
Power: 25
Division: 2
Remainder: 1
Pitfall Alert
Mathematical operations can only be performed between two values of int
types. If you have a numeric string, you must convert it to proper
data type first otherwise an error will occur.
n1 = '20'
n2 = '30'
print(n1 * n2) # Error!