Reporting & Discussing issues
If you have found an issue in the guide such as an error, misleading information or incorrect information that you'd like to report or discuss or if you simply want to suggest an addition or improvement, this section is for you.
We use GitHub issues for issue reports, feature requests and discussions. To open a new issue, head over to GitHub issues and create a new issue by clicking "New issue".
Select the appropriate option depending on the type of your issue and in the given section, describe your issue before opening it. Make sure you include the following in your issue description:
- Source of issue (if reporting error, or misleading information e.g. the link to page having the issue)
- Detailed description of the issue.
- If you have any solution, feel free to suggest it.
- Any additional information about the issue
Guidelines for issues
- Please check the existing issues before creating a new one to avoid duplicate issues. Duplicate issues would be closed.
- Once an issue is created, other members can see it and provide their feedback.
- Please keep the discussion friendly and respect feedback and opinions.